Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our faith to Him

It really question me?? Am I a true muslim? On what the wrong doing I've done. The sin I commited. The forbidden thing that i'm used to do. the faith that seems to be fading time by time. Thinking of makes my skin crawl.... Crawling as i'm not worthy to live on the earth. We r the slave, the faithful slave of the Al-mighty Allah.. it all started when i watched KArak Highway...

What is the story about? A story about a group of university student overnight to kl and on their way to kuantan as they will attending class the next morning. But do they managed to get there on time or did they manage to reach there? the story begins with the urban legend that i also heard during my schooling days. A dad searching for help, a mom comforting her crying son. After a long hours of waiting, the mom disturbed by the radio. The radio frequency changes disruptively. Then she heard a 'bang' on the roof.

"What could that be?" she wondered.

She glanced at the side mirror, a white figure passing through. Then came along a police car. After a far distance, the police got out from their vehicle and warned the women.

"Ma'am, get out from the vehicle and don't ever turn around." the police warned

But to make it a story, the woman eventually turn around and see her husband eaten by pontianak. the malay version of vampire. I would like to tell all bout the movie , but that will end up me writng a novel. i point a few points that really cool. First, is when the protagonist, Zura, was religious gurl,Qriah then have her faith gone wrong, encounter the pontianak. She was terrified, terribly afraid. Yeah for sure, if i encounter with a ghost, either silent, scream or if i lucky pass out. Ok back to it, the the pontianak asked her.

"eyh, faithful gurl like you afraid of me"
"eyh, org beriman pon takowt"

it really struck me.... If you have faith in Allah , you'll never afraid of any creature of His creation. Why should we afraid of ghost..... Weak will...

Then there a scene, where Tok Malam, a aborigine living nearby their crash site, tell her..

"You people know Ayat Kursi, but does not know the meaning , does not apply it"

huhuhuh that sentences make my ears burn. i do not know what i say during pray. Just say it from the begining never have faith. it really change my perspective, on everything in life. Back to where i started. Bit afraid as i'll be be Karak Highway.....

ok then guys n girls
love you'all


bombay said...

wowowowowowo..dh panday tgk cte melayu sekarang..haha

mukris said...

huhuhuhu siot r bombay