Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Depression of a Fat Mukris

for a person who is big and fat like me, always and I repeat always imagine to lose weight and hunk up. And those who used to lose weight and being back to be big and fat. And that even depressed than the first. That is my dilemma. Not to brag the past, but back on those days I could complete 100 push ups and 100 sit up under 11 minutes. But not now, it take couple of minutes to complete it. Do you want to know how this happen??? It's simple overconfident, arrogant and lost track of who you are.

I tot that past body is eternal, well Al- Mighty Allah sure prove me wrong. It takes a lot of effort, sweat, muscles and not to forget prayers as well. Seriously, now I dun even love to take pictures of me. It's not that I'm not thankful but I have not confident with this state. My waist line reached 42!!! My tummy fat getting bigger. well let's hope none will come after this.

But hey new resolution now, lose weight now, get into shape by jogs and push ups. Hopefully I managed to achieve it, before the end of this semester. omg!! I really hope this wasn't just a false mission of me. In Shaa Allah