Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sad Revelation

It was the final day at Teratai. Man I can't sleep maybe because it's gonna be a good day tomorrow or a sign to another revelation? A new revelation to be known. So i took a few puff then I saw room across is open and lighted. So i go ahead as it was my friend's room and as i went, i saw and i just passed the room with despair,sadness and fail. I saw u with another guy.

there's a time where we all at his house and his said he has a date. With someone he won't tell us. Even i keep on digging, still no answer. no wonder he won't tell me. No wonder you sat besides him during the trip to Dungun. At first it was a joke, but unfortunately it turns to be a reality. I checked your phone while you  bathed. My fault. But dude don't judge me. I don't mean to interfere with people's life. I treat him like my besties I would like to know who you havin relation with? Fiera. That's the name of the girl who i thought before. Maybe it was ur pal durin the high school year, well how should i know more. 

When i know your status, i didn't told any of our frens. I told my fren. How to consult with u? How to deal wit U? Not until the girls started to talk about u. I was like 

"Man, this is out of control! How the hell they know about it?"

I asked u. I told u. That i Knew bout u and him. But still u deny. Deny like it never happen. Well i can't force to tell me, if u won't. Since I'm not your besties. Speaking of besties, i dun really want one now. But then, the day after you crawled back to me when a girl confessed to you and told u to share with me. I dunno whether it is your doing or u done it for the sake of her. We have a good talk . but man dun go to the butt side. It ain't manly. But i kept your words on changing unfortunately i have not seen it.

I'm done with you. Come on. You have to realize. What will be the future between you two? Do you really want to be in a homo relation for the rest of your life? Man think! This is not me giving up. this is me expressing my despair of not talkin u out again. How embarrass for me to think of your priority but u simply avoiding it. Love man as your buddyfamily but not nearly as lovers.

how are you peeps. love u all 


izyanhazirah said...

mukris!!! update lerrr :D

izyanhazirah said...

Till now, cannot guess who`s this.....