Hey yeah!!!
Well i dunno what should i say or even talk on to.Well frustration conquered me as i no longer have the chance to get Mara scholarship.Dude , i don't even have any back up plan.Well anyway,how about i talk bout me,myself and only ,just Mukris.
For some reasons, most people,i repeat most people got my name wrong.There are Mukhriz,Mukhris,Murkis,Riz and even Mulqris. Dude,Mulqris totally gone wrong.My name is M.U.K.R.I.S. No need to add 'h' after k. Or even replace 's' with 'z'. Mukris is quite enough.
Some people thought,that Mukris as a name is really strange.
"Huh Mukris,what kind of name is that?"
Though Mahathir's son named Mukhriz,huh i don't care.
For classic movie lover,they might have watched 'Antara 2 Darjat'.Played by Tan Sri P.Ramlee.One of the character named Ungku Mukhriz. Well my dad got the idea to give his second name based on Ungku Mukhriz.Since i'm not a royal Johore bloodline da Ungku is removed,and Mukhriz being simplified to simply Mukris.\
i do love my name not because i have to,but i simply love it coz i'm one in a million.
"Hey how often u can meet wit a group of mukris,mukhriz or Mulqris?"
Most of my primary skool pals called my by the name of 'MUK'.Well it's nice.Simple n cool name.Part of my name being called. huh?.
then when i entered secondary skool .One of my frens have the same ,well literally have same name as me.And i do get confused
"huh, are they calling me or u?"
Frankly , i don't care what people thought of my name.
"Dude, that's strange!"
"Whoa,what a name."
Well as long as i have this name. I'll be happy
to conclude
Hi,how are you?
My name is Mukris