I just washed my mom's car, easy task to be done. ok then wht to do next? hurm.. maybe a little movie treat. Alice in Wonderland, courtesy from AzharRahim..ok as i watched the movie, for what reason i took the laptop? I forgot.... Next, i browse the blog...then i saw something fishy... yeah wit squid in it.. fishy enough.. then click. stun,speechless and any other words.... i've been misunderstood!!!!
i straight used my sis phone to solve it. hey it ain't true. it is outdated comment that i recently approve. thing that i shud done it earlier. how funny simple thing lyke that can cost ur friendship, almost cancel the day-out? not to mention , not even bother to find the truth. two-face? Me ? come on!!!!! Am i hypocrite? yeahwho doesn't!!! but there's limit, there's confinement in my hypocritism. i ain't turn friend down, just because to hang out wit a girl... we're in brotherhoodk. think b4 act.
Am i making this blog to him? will he gonna know that i make it for him. am i really doing this for him? i guess nope, it's general, maybe not the above. ok rules to start a predicament... war that can cost u , ur friendship....
1.find a story...
2.make sure it is true...
3.find an alliance..
4. truth approval....
6. then when the truth is approved!!!
7.u can start the war... by social networking or if u brave enuff face to face....
that's it.... en d. surely ur in the dark? try to be in my shoes, ur besties misunderstood u.....
i hate to be called two-face?? what u think i'm harvey dent??
liar??? yeah hate it, even i do lie..
find the truth....
if u search for it, by the end of the day....