Friday, October 1, 2010
-wear jeans and also jeans blazer
-not prepared
-not go for friday prayer
-do the powerpoint unwisely.
that's for dummies, unfortunately today... mukrisrahimyahaya is the dummy.
with all the work and assignment...
i can't blame them,.....
it's my responsibility.....
thinking to repeat my r.o.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
imagine,imagine n imagine...............
Sunday, May 23, 2010
the simple truth...
I just washed my mom's car, easy task to be done. ok then wht to do next? hurm.. maybe a little movie treat. Alice in Wonderland, courtesy from AzharRahim..ok as i watched the movie, for what reason i took the laptop? I forgot.... Next, i browse the blog...then i saw something fishy... yeah wit squid in it.. fishy enough.. then click. stun,speechless and any other words.... i've been misunderstood!!!!
i straight used my sis phone to solve it. hey it ain't true. it is outdated comment that i recently approve. thing that i shud done it earlier. how funny simple thing lyke that can cost ur friendship, almost cancel the day-out? not to mention , not even bother to find the truth. two-face? Me ? come on!!!!! Am i hypocrite? yeahwho doesn't!!! but there's limit, there's confinement in my hypocritism. i ain't turn friend down, just because to hang out wit a girl... we're in brotherhoodk. think b4 act.
Am i making this blog to him? will he gonna know that i make it for him. am i really doing this for him? i guess nope, it's general, maybe not the above. ok rules to start a predicament... war that can cost u , ur friendship....
1.find a story...
2.make sure it is true...
3.find an alliance..
4. truth approval....
6. then when the truth is approved!!!
7.u can start the war... by social networking or if u brave enuff face to face....
that's it.... en d. surely ur in the dark? try to be in my shoes, ur besties misunderstood u.....
i hate to be called two-face?? what u think i'm harvey dent??
liar??? yeah hate it, even i do lie..
find the truth....
if u search for it, by the end of the day....
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
WAR My pleasure
i sense there's a war happen recently, a war that was so fool enough to occur. a war that happen due to dissatisfaction from dishonesty..B4 going any further , hey it's me only the observer and analyse what i saw
There's been, well not been it's happening , the war. u wanna noe why i said earlier, that this war was a fool. it only happen via internet.. babbling bout that and this which only expressed via laptop. u don't face the person, and so u'll be brave enough to insult or mocking them. is it really brave? or just some shithead act.face the music if u brave.. and for what reason the war being satisfy one-self?
i'm so gonna to know how it's end.u end ur sem pretty bad this time . really u manage poorly and force people? that's not what shud u done! that not how u manage!
what happen to the democracy? is it too hard to get majority agreement or so hard to follow majority? how bout this... a gud leader is a gud follower, if u're not a gud follower i guess u not going to be a gud leader. perhaps? perhaps not....
how long does this war gonna keep going? it's normal to have a fight in a relationship... but from what i saw.. i dun think it's going to end in a gud'll end up wit no cooperation n silent.....just don't make it too hard to cooperate in batch.
fud for thought.....
what's friendship all about..
-a friend is like a tissue when we cry
-when we die, they will cry for us
-when we have problem, we share with them
-eventhough you are no more in this world, friendship will continue itself
love is not sweet, and it's not bitter. but love hurt us more than the thorns, so love does not last forever. talking bout love remind me something. remember the quote
"don't break-up wit ur boyfriend, or else mukris will go for u" what the hell is that?? again love cost friendship!
life is to enjoy, so we have to make sure we enjoy the precious moments in our is not about suffering, life is not about expectations, so live life to the fullest.Life is surely short, we go through many problems and pains in our daily life.we must have the will power to go through all difficulties in life. there are many roots in our life, but it eventually end one final day...
that's all folks.... if u dun like this blog.. to bad for u. it's mine. u don't like it. make it ur own. and to apologies when i've posted it??? huhuhuhu u shud think b4 u act. not to apologies after u read blog......
ok then luv u people
Thursday, May 6, 2010
food for thought??
After babbling with any of my so called love blogs, Hey u got to admit.. Pathetic? So much of heartbroken blogs. Well I found a solution, or is it really a solution or just a principle?
A wise man once told me that…
“Love can lead to us two path… Path where lust covered with it or motivation to someone.”
Why do we ‘couple-ing’? Is it because our friends have their girlfriend or boyfriend? So we have to follow them? Are we just following them blindly? Do we having a relation to make a fool of people? Just to play around? Or to really care about someone?
Love may result in degrading
U life? Sally? Squid? Donhae? Cake? Those are the things in my love life. So symbolic I guess not many people will understand them. I’m done with squid. There she’s goes again n again. It’s best for us not to have a love relationship. Even my close friends told me that squid is cool to be friend, don’t really suit me up. Huhuhuhuhu thx for the late info folks. But still I haven’t text squid quite a long time, but I do talk to squid whenever I met her.
Cake? I dunno. Ironic of life? Allah’s ways to show don’t show hatred towards someone’s attitude. ‘hating people who are choosy, end up to be choosy himself’ I got to say, my friends once told me that I’ not appreciate cake. But can u blame me? Not until I told her the story beneath it. But cool, we cooperate together nicely. End of it.
Donhae? This one it’s too complicated. Life is not only to fulfill other’s needs. That’s donhae principle. We start to noe each other during my birthday. Out of the blue donhae called me askin where am I? After that we started to text and even called. She’s living in a world full of trouble. Called me for advice and I kinda feel the need to care for her. But there’s off and on in our relation. Then I realized, happy moment , bye2 me. Predicament, hello Mukris. Just to make it clear I’m no robot. I tried to ignore her, but it’s simply hard. Donhae called me many times, some 8s and 5’s miscall and I simply silent it. Ignorance is love? To make her felt what I felt during her happy times. Am I being selfish?
“Can’t you treat me like everyone else? Like us being normal frens?” Donhae requested.
I’m the one to blame, the one that care her much, then ok. We’re also cool. I text Donhae and replied. No hard feeling. Friends.
Sally? Love of my life? Used to be. But could it be again? No comment. I’ve blog so much bout her. The pioneer of my blog era. There’s on and off in us, but we’re ok. Nothing.
To sum up. It’s best for us to enjoy our life full with friends and never having enemy. But truth is it’s impossible not to have an enemy, maybe you guys can work for it. Does love is essential? Surely it is essential. If not we might having a big fight every time in class. Love you’re friends like they’re your family. Care for them and let’s just not make war after love? It’s simply depressing. That’s all folks. Another mukrisrahimyahaya’s love babbling.
SO much with the profesionalism
"Please be professional k?"
HUH??? The phrase that a person feels well being when said it to someone else. Arrogant with the wisdom and fool as well. Do you think you’re good enough to say it? Are you professional enough to be so cool to say it? I.D.K. ? I’m so piss off when someone else told me to be professional!
“whoa , you so professional to say it!”
Bringin’ story from blogs to relationship is a professional act huh?
Bringin’ story from blogs to real life is a professional act?
Telling others a false statement is a professional act?
Well I guess the best professional is bringing up major fight between comrades?
Sengal r mereka.
Dun want to talk on more! Food for thought…. Are you professional enough?
resolution=anecdote??? hope not
The end of another tournament…. The segamat 10’s…. won the championship luckily…. I was severely sunburned. But that’s is just the beginning of the habit. Ok pretty like all the tournament that I have gone through.. gonna take few off days to field. And that also add up the prob…..
Ok cut to the chase…I’ve gained weight!!! Become chubbier!!! How do I noe?
Ok first, I was in my serving class, tried on my vest. O.M.G.!!! kinda tight…. Well maybe I have to adjust at the back.. then all things gone smooth . but then, while I was resting after the serving. One of my collegue ask me
“boss are you gaining weight?”
I stuned. O.m.g… is it obivious??? Ok after the tournament my discipline on work out gone elsewhere.. no really into working out n I ate n straightly gone bed.. how heaven is that…. Well back to the story… so after the serving class went to the field, begin my routine jog…. While I joggeg. Then my teammate told me.
“mok, makin geuk nmpk…”
nothing can be expressed more than just kept it to myself n express it via the blog…
but hey ,,,
I’m still on my mission…
N hey I finished a cross country event. Not winning anything but it worth….
i've been procrastinate this blog for 3 months......
Sunday, April 25, 2010
dah lame x blog.......
ok... i'm in part2 in hotel management..maybe skip this..
i'm done with her. Yeah that's new story.. huhuhuhuhu.. seems she's with someone else.
it's been a long time since i touch a rugby ball... maybe when i'm home i'll train with the tortoise...
contact back lisa?? there's on and off in our friendship.. sengal tol akoo.
got new phone sony ericsson... get to stay contact with world huhuhuhu.
met new one.. but i'll be guessing it's another failure kowt... my win lak
ok r bpk singa nak pki lar
it's exam season now!!!!
huhuhuhuhu i.d.k.
wanna go home....
new phone....
Monday, April 19, 2010
shud i???
Kau beri rasa,
[#:]Tetapi hati ku,
[Reff:]Kau hancurkan hati ku,
(1:Membuat 2: Kau buat)
Kau hancurkan hati ku,
(kau hancurkan hati ku, hancurkan lagi)
Kau hancurkan hati ku,
Ohhh… Hooo~oooo… Ooouu…Melihatmu…
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Lost in Translation
I miss my frens a lot....
the brotherhood?
i don't noe???
is it my fault for this predicament to happen?
b'coz of my kesengalan?
been through a lot this semester eventhough it is not even end yet.
new revolution??
it is important to realise it early....
better early than late..
that's mine...
akoo rase bkn ader org phm pown aper akoo mengarot nie.....
ok end of this......
no more playtimes r...
sengal sgt...
final exam dah nak dkt..
x dpt DL
mmg sedih r...
ok r

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
story of my ____ life
suddenly want to watch this vid.
kinda cool...
mcm kene jer....
n one thing i don't own this vid..
Thursday, February 11, 2010
it's end tonite....
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
wake up....
are u sure u want it?
are u sure u have the chance?
enough mukris...
do you really have the guts to take any risk...
risk to be ashamed?
risk to be lied?
the major question is am I deserve this?
should i ?
mmg sengal nie....
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I agreed wit that... My relationship wit some of my frens do cracked. It happened coz of bad thought of someone... These matter never occured last semester.. why? Nayh... kesengalan r mukris nie... x nak r ...... i want my frens back.. i love them so much... nothing can cost them.... they my family... they my sister, they my brother..... i'm goin to ressurect my relation back... back to the time where there's only fun and enjoy... no hypocritism,lies, back stabber .... just happy and lead them .....
with that the end for my blog for this time...
thx for reading my blog..
take care of ur frens, love them...
love u guys and all my frens...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
akoo terhegeh2 or ko perasan?
all things set up. ok lari to kitchen lak. what's the ingredient for main course n blah2...
Then Wan dtg..
" weyh ko taw x akoo korek2 citer.. muler2 akoo maen2 jer... then someone bg taw akoo"
"Ko terhegeh2 ke dia"
"ko dah x der harapan ngan her so ko gi kat dia"
aper sengal r..... bingit kepala akoo... akooo terhegeh2 kat die...akoo dah x der harapan, then akoo gi kat org yg suke akoo. x pathetic ker tue. akoo sengal sgt nie. nak jd member , dier bikin citer akoo terhegeh kat dier. sebenarnyer semalam ader dah org bgtaw. akoo terhegeh2 kat dier. mmg panas r dgr...
tp naseb baik smlm tue org tue back up akoo blk.
"x dernyer mukris sanggup terhegeh2 kat dier, akoo knal mukris"
tp muler2 , org tue wat dunno jer...
"tah r biar jer r hal diorang"
tp lps member dier ckp akoo terhegeh2 kat die
tros dier bgtaw.....
adoi yai aper sengal r.... kalau x sampai kat telinga akoo x per.... nie trusted source yg bgtaw....
maner x sengal...

ok r people...ptg sok(29/1/09) ader league game, lawan Petronas, then after game tros blk k.j.
bwat assignment kat Carnaval!!!! Sumpah nak mkn kat Carnaval puas2.....
Sunday, January 10, 2010
kesengalan di dilemma waktu???
Frens that u just noe them in a short time...
Frens that u thought u can entrusted them wit anything...
maybe it's my fault to trust them quickly..
i.d.k. such a shit head r...
there should be confinement ....
x kan nak maen redah jer...
come on r guys.... jgn jd sengal sgt...
mature guys.. it's no longer high school life...
it's university life now..
u just can't enjoy for the rest of the time, n not study at all
"u must couple taw" -my wish r-
"ko choosy ker" -how shud u guys noe-
Do I no longer the possesion of freedom in my own life??
Do I being control by someone?
never ever betray ur pals...
honest suda....
Have a nice day people.....
Friday, January 1, 2010
I wish, I wish with all My heart , to
"for this year, i wish ........"
including me.... n hey , i was reading luts blogs kinda cool ....
ok.. just cut to short.. and here are my resolution????